Valentine's Day
Data: 25/02/2014
A short history about Valentine's Day...
There are several stories associated with the history of Valentine's
Day. At least three Christian martyrs were named Valentine and are
believed to have been executed for various reasons, including marrying
Roman soldiers in secret. Emperor Claudius II prevented soldiers from
marrying because he thought they should only love Rome. Valentine's Day
is thought to have originated with a particular Christian bishop who
performed secret marriage ceremonies in defiance of the Emperor's law.
was eventually imprisoned and legend has it that before his execution
on 14 February, he left a farewell love message for the jailor's
daughter signed ‘from your Valentine'. This phrase is still in use today
as the traditional Valentine's Day message to a lover.
our school, we celebrated Valentine's Day giving the students some love
cards for they write to the people they love the most. It was taught
the expressions that used to be used at that time. We hope you enjoy it.
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